How we began

Paulette Bentham

History of LDVHC
Paulette Bentham was a community minded mother and former teacher who lived with her husband Tom and their young family and during the mid-70’s when Paulette and a group of like minded friends began helping their less mobile neighbours with shopping, collecting prescriptions etc and so bought LDVHC into being.

In 1984, after several moves, the group found a permanent home at 154 Walsall Rd, Great Wyrley, thanks to the generosity of the County Council.

By now they offered transport to doctors/hospital appointments, social visits and gardening services. This enabled many other activities to be undertaken eg coffee mornings, luncheon clubs, bingo sessions and our group for adults with additional needs.

By the time Paulette left, two other volunteers had become a mainstay of the group.

Our lifetime honorary President Miriam Whitehouse and our late, much lamented, Chairman/Secretary worked tirelessly over many years providing in house services and raising funds to buy both a minibus and passenger car to offer the services we currently provide

Winners of the Queen’s Award for Volunteering